Super Diamono or Super Diamono de Dakar, and later Omar Pene & Super Diamono and Omar Pene & Super Diamono de Dakar, was a ten-member band from Dakar, Senegal.It was formed in 1974 or 1975. Benito Mussolini had frequently proclaimed his intention to place the entire Mediterranean under Italian control. Atatürk called for a national election to establish a new Turkish Parliament seated in Angora. Tobias Weth. L'activiste Ousmane Ba piégé. Latife fell in love with Atatürk; again the extent to which this was reciprocated is unknown, but he was certainly impressed by Latife's intellect: she was a graduate of the Sorbonne and was studying English in London when the war broke out. The Seventh Army retired towards the Jordan River but was destroyed by British aerial bombardment during its retreat from Nablus on 21 September 1918. ), Grand-yoff : Des Agresseurs S'emparent Violemment D'une Sacoche Contenant…. He also introduced the Latin-based Turkish alphabet, replacing the old Ottoman Turkish alphabet. The last part of reform on dress emphasized the need to wear modern Western suits with neckties as well as Fedora and Derby-style hats instead of antiquated religion-based clothing such as the veil and turban in the Law Relating to Prohibited Garments of 1934. Mais, aujourd'hui, les noms sont de moins en moins indicateurs de la situation familiale à cause du brassage, du métissage des différentes ethnies. II est donné d'office dès la naissance et il marque l’intégration de l'enfant au sein de la famille. "[238], In 1935, Turkey was becoming an industrial society based on the Western European model set by Atatürk. Prior to the start of the French season, Fall participated in the 2016 NBA Summer League in Las Vegas with the Los Angeles Lakers. Entre mythes, croyances et phénomènes étranges, personne n'ose s'y aventurer.C'est une petite île sauvage, perdue dans les méandres du fleuve Casamance, […] JUSTICE - TRIBUNAUX - POLICE. In 1931, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey was established. In addition, Fall played in the FIBA Europe Cup Final with Chalon, where his team lost to Nanterre 92. He was then assigned to the command of the XVI Corps of the Second Army and sent to the Caucasus Campaign after the massive Russian offensive had reached key Anatolian cities. [56] Following the rejection of his report, Atatürk resigned from the Seventh Army and returned to Constantinople. We recommend you to check the complete list of Famous People born on 23 February. Any attempt to "cleanse" the Turkish language of foreign influence without modelling the integral structure of the language was inherently wrong to him. [179] The law, however, is regarded by some as a policy of assimilation of non-Turkish minorities through a forced and collective resettlement.[180]. [126] For the first time in history, Islamic law was separated from secular law and restricted to matters of religion. Atatürk created a banner to mark the changes between the old Ottoman and the new republican rule. 26. This produced a split system with the new republic on one side and an Islamic form of government with the Caliph on the other side, and Atatürk and İnönü worried that "it nourished the expectations that the sovereign would return under the guise of Caliph. This is the equation associated . He believed that it was scientifically impossible for Turkey to achieve progress and become civilized if Ottoman gender separation persisted. Integrated economic policies reached their peak with the signing of the 1939 Treaty with Britain and France. [111] On 1 November 1928, he introduced the new Turkish alphabet and abolished the use of the Arabic script. [69] Nevertheless, Atatürk managed to form a defence line to the north of Aleppo. It gave the government exceptional powers and included the authority to shut down subversive groups. New York:, Inc. Çağatay, Soner 2002 'Kemalist dönemde göç ve iskan politikaları: Türk kimliği üzerine bir çalışma' (Policies of migration and settlement in the Kemalist era: a study on Turkish identity), Toplum ve Bilim, no. tombent (2007) [When the Walls Fall] and Philosophie de la Relation (2009) [Philosophy of Relation] are somehow actualized versions of Poétique de la Relation and Introduction à une poétique du Divers (1995) [Introduction to a Poetics of Diversality], in which he develops in a concrete fashion the fundamental questions of identity, immigration, [87], With the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, efforts to modernise the country started. Invité à participer au sommet France-Afrique de Montpellier, le Président des Africtivistes, Cheikh Fall, a livré un discours musclé et émouvant qui a Ndiaye Moustapha. Il est, en effet, difficile aujourd'hui de connaitre l'origine d'une personne à partir de son nom de famille simplement. [102] The Turkish Constitution of 1924 set a loose separation of powers between the legislative and the executive organs of the state, whereas the separation of these two within the judiciary system was a strict one. In 1932, liberal economist Celâl Bayar became the Minister of Economy at Atatürk's request and served until 1937. Relations between the two countries were friendly but were based on the fact that they were against a common enemy: Britain and the West. On 5 December 1934, Turkey moved to grant full political rights to women. [56] While in Germany, Atatürk visited the German lines on the Western Front and concluded that the Central Powers would soon lose the war. [57] The invading Italian army had a strength of 150,000 men;[59] it was opposed by 20,000 Bedouins and 8,000 Turks. Le gouvernement a mis en place un Fonds de riposte et de solidarité contre les effets du Covid-19 (Force-Covid-19) pour atténuer les effets dus à la pandémie de maladie à coronavirus sur l'économie nationale et pour venir en aide aux plus démunis. To the men: If henceforward the women do not share in the social life of the nation, we shall never attain to our full development. Abdou Diouf est né en le 7 septembre 1935 à Louga, d'une mère Toucouleur et d'un père Sérère. On 7 August, he rallied his troops and mounted a counteroffensive. [50][51] At that time Isa Boletini was leading Albanian uprisings in Kosovo, and there were revolts in Albania as well. Monsieur le président, je vous invite ce soir, ici chez vous, a un exercice d'humilité, de courage politique, de respect et de rendez-vous avec l'histoire. Next most frequent is A+ with 35%. [103] Abolishing the sultanate was easier because the survival of the Caliphate at the time satisfied the partisans of the sultanate. The Turkish State Railway developed an extensive railway network in a very short time. [136][111] In addition, Turkish education became an integrative system, aimed to alleviate poverty and used female education to establish gender equality. We shall certainly achieve it". Tobias Weth. Abdou Diouf, président du Sénégal de 1981 à 2000. Mouhamed Moustapha Fall. Qu'il soit patrilinéaire ou matrilinéaire, le patronyme est le symbole de notre identité. On 11 August 1930, Atatürk decided to try a multiparty movement once again and asked Fethi Okyar to establish a new party. Kemal Atatürk[2] (or alternatively written as Kamâl Atatürk,[3] Mustafa Kemal Pasha[a] until 1934, commonly referred to as Mustafa Kemal Atatürk;[b] c. 1881[c] – 10 November 1938) was a Turkish field marshal, revolutionary statesman, author, and the founding father of the Republic of Turkey, serving as its first president from 1923 until his death in 1938. [106] On 1 March 1924, at the Assembly, Atatürk said: The religion of Islam will be elevated if it will cease to be a political instrument, as had been the case in the past. In 1929, Atatürk signed a treaty that resulted in the restructuring of Turkey's debt with the Ottoman Public Debt Administration. [citation needed] The Great Depression brought many changes to this picture. Atatürk saw the consequences of fascist and communist doctrines in the 1920s and 1930s and rejected both. Il jouera le rôle de Malaw. [223] By 1937, the Turkish road network reached 22,000 km in length. [119] The law was repealed in March 1927. Later, it was claimed that Turkey began where the oil ends, as the border was drawn by the British geophysicists based on locations of oil reserves. [91], He led wide-ranging reforms in social, cultural, and economic aspects, establishing the new Republic's backbone of legislative, judicial, and economic structures. CEMOTI. However, without the establishment of a real political spectrum, the party became the center to opposition of Atatürk's reforms, particularly in regard to the role of religion in public life. [118] Members of the government saw the Sheikh Said Rebellion as an attempt at a counter-revolution. On 17 November 1924, the breakaway group established the Progressive Republican Party (PRP) with 29 deputies and the first multi-party system began. - La perte de 0,5% de fuel-oil. He received medical treatment for nearly a month; he attempted to leave the Red Crescent's health facilities after only two weeks, but when his eye's situation worsened, he had to return and resume treatment. This mutual-defence agreement intended to guarantee the signatories' territorial integrity and political independence against attack from another Balkan state such as Bulgaria or Albania. It became the primary instrument governing the passage of commercial and war vessels through the Dardanelles Strait. On 25 January 1939, Prime Minister Bayar resigned. Les recherches attestent qu’ils en existaient plus de 500. The leaders of such countries included Atatürk's Iranian contemporary Reza Shah Pahlavi, the Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, the Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba, and the Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. "[112], In the summer of 1924, Atatürk invited American educational reformer John Dewey to Ankara to advise him on how to reform Turkish education. Septic shock Pathophysiology 1. [190] In 1920 alone, the Lenin government supplied the Kemalists with 6,000 rifles, over 5 million rifle cartridges, 17,600 projectiles as well as 200.6 kg of gold bullion. On 23 December 1930, a chain of violent incidents occurred, instigated by the rebellion of Islamic fundamentalists in Menemen, a small town in the Aegean Region. His parents were Ali Rıza Efendi, a militia officer originally from Kodžadžik, title deed clerk and lumber trader, and Zübeyde Hanım. 10 Chef du service départemental des pêches de Mbour [68] Atatürk arrived in Aleppo on 26 August 1918, then continued south to his headquarters in Nablus. Because Atatürk considered the development of a national rail network as another important step in industrialisation, railways were given high priority. 3. [159] Atatürk aimed to create a nation state (ulus devlet) from the Turkish remnants of the Ottoman Empire. . The revolutionaries faced challenges from the supporters of the old Ottoman regime, and also from the supporters of newer ideologies such as communism and fascism. Also learn how He earned most of networth at the age of 28 years old? [204] This meeting was followed by a Turkey-Afghanistan Friendship and Cooperation pact on 22 May 1928. [23] According to Andrew Mango, his family was Muslim, Turkish-speaking and precariously middle-class. The state schools established a common curriculum which became known as the "unification of education.". This simple style [of headcovering] is not in conflict with the morals and manners of our society."[114]. From the political economy perspective, Atatürk faced the problem of political upheaval. Only one of Mustafa's siblings, a sister named Makbule (Atadan) survived childhood; she died in 1956. I recommend avoiding this. J. Solà-Morales. On 25 October, Venizelos visited Turkey and signed a treaty of friendship. In August 1922, Atatürk launched an all-out attack on the Greek lines at Afyonkarahisar in the Battle of Dumlupınar, and Turkish forces regained control of İzmir on 9 September 1922. "[172] Furthermore, the geographical name changes initiative by the Turkish government replaced non-Turkish geographical and topographic names within the Turkish Republic with Turkish names. Mustafa at this time was in the Fifth Army Headquarters in Salonica", "Mustafa Atatürk had assisted in the military operation in Albania in 1910", "1912 | Aubrey Herbert: A Meeting with Isa Boletini", "I remember well the meeting very interesting, I had casually with Mustafa Qemali in 1910, at the time, still a mere lieutenant", "Mustafa Kemal und England in Neuer Sicht", "RAF History – Bomber Command 60th Anniversary", "Turkey – Declaration of the Turkish republic | history – geography", Başvekalet Kararlar Dairesi Müdürlüğü 15 Aralık 1937 tarih, 7829 nolu kararname, "SABAH - 28/10/2005 - Mevlevi Alayı ile Atatürk'e destek oldular", "Young Turk social engineering : mass violence and the nation state in eastern Turkey, 1913- 1950", "Kemalizm'in Model Ders Kitabı: Vatandaş İçin Medeni Bilgiler", Democratization in the Middle East: Experiences, Struggles, Challenges, "Gazi, önerilen 14. soyadını kabul etmiş! He declared: Today, our most important and most productive task is the national education [unification and modernization] affairs. Concurrently, the republic abolished the two ministries and made clergy subordinate to the department of religious affairs, one of the foundations of secularism in Turkey. [56], When Mehmed VI became the new Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in July 1918, he called Atatürk to Constantinople, and after several meetings in the months July and August 1918, re-assigned him to the command of the Seventh Army in Palestine. [272], The range of Atatürk's admirers extends from the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, his opponent in World War I, to the German Nazi leader and dictator Adolf Hitler,[273][274][275][276] who also sought an alliance with Turkey,[277] to the presidents of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, who paid tribute to Atatürk in 1963 on the 25th anniversary of his death.[278]. [243] Latife was briefly and literally the face of the new Turkish woman, appearing in public in Western clothing with her husband. [117], The abolition of the caliphate and other cultural reforms were met with fierce opposition. Meanwhile, Atatürk and the reformists continued their own way. Contents. These conflicts spread rapidly, eventually triggering World War II. ), an initiative created in the 1930s by law students but sponsored by the government. The new Turkish alphabet would serve as a replacement for the old Arabic script and a solution to the literacy problem, since the new alphabet did not retain the complexities of the Arabic script and could be learned within a few months. Quand l’origine des noms dément les complexes de caste. On 1 March 1926, the Turkish penal code, modelled after the Italian penal code, was passed. Cette école, au nom révélateur, était destinée à garder à vue les fils de chef soumis, pour en faire . Cheikh Ibra, comme il est communément appelé, a inculqué la culture de travail chez les mourides avec son concept bien connu, "Jef Jël", ce qui signifie «vous récoltez ce que vous semez". Tabara Diene is on Facebook. He and his staff discussed issues such as abolishing the veiling of women and integrating women into the outside world. Halima Cissé, 25 ans, avait été transférée mi-mars de Tombouctou à Bamako, puis évacuée fin . The Wolof say "santa dekut fene" because there is no such thing as a Wolof ethnic group. He was also frequently photographed on public business with women wearing modern Western clothes. During the War of Independence, she lived with him in Çankaya, Ankara as his personal assistant. Presque tous les Lébous savent aujourd'hui d'où venait la famille à laquelle ils appartiennent. [229] The Turkish Aeronautical Association was founded on 16 February 1925 by his directive. Lights befitted the venue's relatively small stage with cool tones, and . [185] To address Atatürk's concerns, the British Foreign Secretary George Curzon attempted to disclaim the existence of oil in the Mosul area. [195] In 1935, the pact was prolonged for another 10 years. The Turkish Automobile Association was founded in 1923,[237] and its motto was: "The Turkish driver is a man of the most exquisite sensitivities. Actualité politique, info culture & sports au Sénégal et en Afrique [242], The triangle of Atatürk, Fikriye, and Latife became the subject of a manuscript by Atatürk's close friend, Salih Bozok, though the work remained unpublished until 2005. Le chercheur avance aussi comme explication les migrations, qui seraient l'une des principales causes de ce métissage patronymique. The primary problem faced by the politics of his period was the lag in the development of political institutions and social classes which would steer such social and economic changes. Video Plasepri Ii : Les Promoteurs Des Sipa De Matam Rassurés Pour Le Financement. At the time, Atatürk not only had to deal with the payment of the Ottoman public debt but also the turbulent economic issues of the Great Depression. Facebook gives people the power to. [241] Fikriye was a nominal cousin of Atatürk, though not related by blood (she was Atatürk's stepfather Ragıp Bey's sister's daughter). Many museums opened, architecture began to follow modern trends, and classical Western music, opera, ballet, and theatre took greater hold in the country. Some popular baby names of Senegal (Sénégal) : Some names like ADAMA, MAGATTE, MAGUETTE are used both as male and female names. Plot. In 1911, he volunteered to fight in the Italo-Turkish War[57] in the Ottoman Tripolitania Vilayet (present-day Libya). Au risque de faire fi de toutes les considérations historiques et sociologiques. C’est une sorte de marqueur identitaire qui permet de savoir que tel individu appartient à tel groupe. On 6 March 1912, Atatürk became the Commander of the Ottoman forces in Derna. Atatürk thought of the Balkan Pact as a medium of balance in Turkey's relations with the European countries. Browse our extensive resources for journalists and media, showcasing UNICEF's efforts around the world. 19 May–the day he landed to Samsun in 1919 to start the nationalist resistance–is considered his symbolic birthday. In 1931, Atatürk watched the development of the first national aircraft, MMV-1. Only one of Mustafa's siblings, a sister named Makbule (Atadan) survived childhood; she died in 1956. [270], In 2010, the French-based NGO Reporters Without Borders objected to the Turkish laws protecting the memory of Atatürk, arguing that they contradict the current European Union standards of freedom of speech in news media.[271]. (24.11.1934)", "Turkey commemorates Atatürk on 78th anniversary of his passing", "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk – memorial museum in village Kodzadzik (Коџаџик) in Municipality Centar Zupa (Центар Жупа)", Anna Zadrożna (2017): Reconstructing the past in a post-Ottoman village: Turkishness in a transnational context, Nationalities Papers, p. 9. [272] He is remembered for being the creator of a new, fully independent Muslim country at a time of encroachment by Christian powers, and for having prevailed in a struggle against Western imperialism. Atatürk and İsmet İnönü's pursuit of state-controlled economic policies was guided by a national vision; their goal was to knit the country together, eliminate foreign control of the economy, and improve communications within Turkey. De nos jours également, explique le professeur de français, la carte d'identité a fait disparaitre ces questions. He was personally engaged with the development of two textbooks. The last group included colleges and minority schools in foreign languages that used the latest teaching models in educating pupils. As the president of the newly formed Turkish Republic, Atatürk initiated a rigorous program of political, economic, and cultural reforms with the ultimate aim of building a modern, progressive and secular nation-state. On 30 August 1925, Atatürk's view on religious insignia used outside places of worship was introduced in his Kastamonu speech. We are concerned with hypersurfaces of $\mathbb{R}^N$ with constant nonlocal (or fractional) mean curvature. This is the most useless article ever. Vive une bonne cohabitation, vive les sérères, vive les bambaras, vive le Sénégal. Le Lycée de Jeunes filles de Ameth Fall est charge d'histoire: son ancêtre, « l'Ecole de Otages fut crée par l'arrêté » du 5 mars 1861 par Faidherbe, sept ans après sa nomination au poste de Gouverneur du Sénégal. Moustapha Fall was born on 23 February, 1992 in Paris, France, is a French basketball player. [47] He joined the Committee of Union and Progress, with membership number 322, although in later years he became known for his opposition to, and frequent criticism of, the policies pursued by the CUP leadership. He believed that Caliph Abdülmecid II was following in the steps of the sultans in domestic and foreign affairs: accepting of and responding to foreign representatives and reserve officers, and participating in official ceremonies and celebrations. "[192], After the Turks withdrew their delegation from Geneva on 16 December 1925, they left the League of Nations Council to grant a mandate for the Mosul region to Britain without their consent. Rowohlt, Reinbek 1985. Atatürk began developing social reforms to address this issue very early, as was evident in his personal journal. He resigned from the Ottoman Army on 8 July, and the Ottoman government issued a warrant for his arrest. Arrêtez de renforcer le pouvoir des dictateurs africains. [4][5][6] Ideologically a secularist and nationalist, his policies and theories became known as Kemalism. However, Turkey could not finance essential imports; its currency was shunned, and zealous revenue officials seized the meagre possessions of peasants who could not pay their taxes.[219]. According to Lord Kinross, Atatürk was the only Turkish general in the war who never suffered a defeat. Yılmaz Altuğ, Türk Devrim Tarihi Dersim, 1919–1938, 1980 s. p. 136. Atillasoy, Atatürk : The First President and Founder of the Turkish Republic, 13. Operational American Curtiss Hawk fighters were being produced in Turkey soon after his death and before the onset of World War II. This had a positive influence on human capital because from then on, what mattered at school was science and education; Islam was concentrated in mosques and religious places. O+ blood types have two O genes. Halloween is an American slasher media franchise that consists of eleven films, as well as novels, comic books, a video game and other merchandise.The films primarily focus on Michael Myers who was committed to a sanitarium as a child for the murder of his sister, Judith Myers.Fifteen years later, he escapes to stalk and kill the people of the fictional town of Haddonfield, Illinois. Both governments sent diplomatic missions and messages of friendship to each other during the Turkish War of Independence. On 22 June 1908, he was appointed the Inspector of the Ottoman Railways in Eastern Rumelia (Doğu Rumeli Bölgesi Demiryolları Müfettişi). [184] In 1920, the Misak-ı Milli, which consolidated the "Turkish lands", declared that Mosul Province was a part of the historic Turkish heartland. [citation needed], The Balkan Pact turned out to be ineffective for reasons that were beyond Atatürk's control. Si certains ont disparu, d'autres ont étonnement résisté au temps. In one of his many speeches about the importance of democracy, Atatürk said in 1933: Republic means the democratic administration of the state. Following the Battle of Gallipoli, Atatürk served in Edirne until 14 January 1916. Find exactly what you're looking for! [143] On 1 January 1928, he established the Turkish Education Association,[143] which supported intelligent and hard-working children in financial need, as well as material and scientific contributions to the educational life. [230] He also ordered the establishment of the Turkish Aircraft Association Lottery. Once a provincial town deep in Anatolia, the city was thus turned into the center of the independence movement. Despite his radical secular reforms, Atatürk remained broadly popular in the Muslim world. Voici quelques exemples de freinte de route pour lesquelles le transporteur demeurera en situation d'absence de faute et par conséquent irresponsable : - La perte de 5% résultant des restes d'huile de palme dans les cales et les pompes du navire. For example, until the early 1930s, Turkish private business could not acquire exchange credits. When I asked my parents the meaning of my name, they told me it meant that I would be a great person in the world because in the Chinese language shu means book, and yu means universe. Arbre Généalogique 1. He realised the important role of aviation and stated, "the future lies in the skies". [42] His mother wanted him to learn a trade, but without consulting them, Atatürk took the entrance exam for the Salonica Military School (Selanik Askeri Rüştiyesi) in 1893. This disease is endemic in northern Senegal, a Sahelian area characterized by a temporary pond network that drive both RVF mosquito population dynamics and nomadic herd movements. Later, in the autumn of 1910, he was among the Ottoman military observers who attended the Picardie army manoeuvres in France,[56] and in 1911, served at the Ministry of War (Harbiye Nezareti) in Constantinople for a short time. It was impossible to integrate the Turkish economy without a solution to these problems. 15-078, 15-114, and 15-115] and 2 contacts [15-115-C4, 15-115-C5]) and parents/caregivers of potential contacts in the community. [111] His public education reforms aimed to prepare citizens for roles in public life through increasing public literacy. From 1919, Afghanistan was in the midst of a reformation period under Amanullah Khan. By the end of 1925, Turkey had signed fifteen joint agreements with Western states. [144], Atatürk dealt with the translation of scientific terminology into Turkish. Nous vous proposons des indications pour chacune des familles. Learn How rich is He in this year and how He spends money? He is not dating anyone. May 2016 - Present4 years 10 months. The first five-year economic plan promoted consumer substitution industries. "On ne se pose plus de questions sur l'origine du médecin qui nous soigne, du chauffeur de taxi qui nous conduit ou du professeur qui nous apprend", dit-il. The Menemen Incident came to be considered a serious threat against secular reforms. In 1935, a new entity was established under the government called Şose ve Köprüler Reisliği (Headship of Roads and Bridges) which would drive the development of new roads after World War II. . However, in 1924, three Turkish translations of the Qur'an were published in Istanbul, and several renderings of the Qur'an in the Turkish language were read in front of the public, creating significant controversy. On 31 October, Atatürk was appointed to the command of the Yıldırım Army Group, replacing Liman von Sanders. [208] As Russia and Great Britain strengthened their holds in the Middle East, Atatürk feared the occupation and dismemberment of Iran as a multi-ethnic society by these European powers. lement où les arrières grands parents étaient nés, vous aussi. His first goal was the establishment of an organized national movement against the occupying forces. ", "Turkish Telecommunications Presidency: Internet Hotline", Time to break out of legislative straitjacket that is stifling media freedom, "Hitler's Infatuation with Atatürk Revisited", "The 20th-Century Dictator Most Idolized by Hitler", Remarks on the 25th Anniversary of the Death of Kemal Atatürk, 4 November 1963, "Habib Bourguiba ou la modernité inachevée", "Modernity and Islam: Experiences of Turkish Women", "John Dewey in Turkey: An Educational Mission", Newspaper clippings about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Association for Defence of National Rights, Alfortville Armenian Genocide Memorial bombings, How happy is the one who says I am a Turk, Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the Nation, Association for the Support of Contemporary Living, Population distribution and settlement in Turkey, Faceted Application of Subject Terminology,ürk&oldid=1046512256, Committee of Union and Progress politicians, Leaders of the Republican People's Party (Turkey), Members of the Special Organization (Ottoman Empire), Ottoman military personnel of World War I, Ottoman military personnel of the Balkan Wars, Ottoman military personnel of the Italo-Turkish War, Recipients of the Iron Cross (1914), 1st class, Recipients of the Medal of Independence with Red-Green Ribbon (Turkey), Recipients of the Order of the Medjidie, 1st class, Turkish military personnel of the Greco-Turkish War (1919–1922), Articles containing Ottoman Turkish (1500-1928)-language text, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from January 2016, Articles with Turkish-language sources (tr), Vague or ambiguous geographic scope from June 2020, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from January 2014, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles to be expanded from November 2020, Articles needing translation from Turkish Wikipedia, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from September 2015, Articles needing additional references from November 2020, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2021, Articles with disputed statements from March 2021, Articles with Semantic Scholar author identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.
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