Save the combined document under the desired filename, or return to step 2 to insert another document. Figure 6. To sign a PDF form, you can type, draw, or insert an image of your handwritten signature or initials. When you use Acrobatâs online tool to rearrange PDF pages, you can quickly set up the perfect file using any web browser. Choose your positions, dimensions, typography. Southeast Asia (Includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Vietnam) - English. You can also download the reorganized file or get a link to share it. Figure 5. Use Acrobat online services to rotate, delete, or reorder pages in a PDF. Adobe invented the PDF format. The Initial View options are displayed. When resizing PDF files using Adobe Acrobat, the process is quite complex and requires users to have a good understanding of the software before starting. You will be prompted to open a PDF file by navigating to the storage location where it is located. This comprehensive guide book on Desktop Publishing will familiarise you with the fundamental concepts and issues related to producing high quality ready to print documents using popular desktop applications such as InDesign, Photoshop, ... Let your visitors save web pages as PDF with a single click! This is another web-based tool that you can use to make a fillable PDF without Adobe Acrobat. Version 2021.005.20060. Simply upload a file and sign in to organize the PDF. Add PDF page numbers. Before Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, it was not possible to scale pages from e.g. Â, 4. If your pages panel is not already open (in Acrobat DC), click on the little arrow on the left of your window. Not available in Adobe Reader 9: Scale using the preset scale options in Adobe Reader 9 or earlier. Over the decades, Word has always had a rather tenuous relationship with PDF files. Decide if you want to insert text with a scalable text box or a fixed-width text box: Note that PDF Studio will preserve all the original content (in vector format including . Subscribe to Adobe Acrobat PDF Pack for a set of online tools. Follow the same steps to reorder and organize PDF pages on your phone or tablet: 1. Then drag and drop the page into your new desired location. Then select the pages you'd like to extract. Choose View > Page Navigation > Go To Page. Acrobat does not have a virtual printer option for a Mac operation 10.6. The Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format used to present documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. The tool does allow its users to create the files for free if they use the Unregistered option - this option, however, denies you the ability to open the files you had worked with previously and continue with the editing where you had left it. You can. Versatile and powerful, Cisdem PDF Converter OCR for Mac allows you to extract pages, split PDF, combine PDF files, do OCR on PDF/image, convert PDF to different formats, create PDF and do more. Shrink To Printable Area Resizes only large pages to fit the paper and prints small pages as they are. Work faster, create more is what Adobe wants users to do with InDesign, and this info-packed guide lets users get right down to doing just that by focusing on the InDesign CS4 features they're most likely to use and showcasing each in a ... after the first page, last page, or a specific page number. In Full Screen mode, only the document appears; the menu bar, toolbars, task panes, and window controls are hidden. In Acrobat JavaScript, a rectangle is an array of four numbers giving the left, top, right and bottom edges of a box, respectively. Just remove what you don't need and download. Click File from the top menu bar, select Create > Combine Files in a Single PDF…. Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on For more information, see Print Dialog Presets in Acrobat Help. Size 342.44 MB. If you have Adobe Acrobat XI Pro, you can go to menu View -> Tools -> Print Production and click on "Set Page Boxes" tool. Choose to 'Extract every page into a PDF' or 'Select pages to extract'. Sign in after Acrobat uploads the file. Remove pages. For more advanced PDF tools, try Adobe Acrobat Pro DC for free for seven days on Windows or Mac. Bonjour, Voilà afin de pouvoir être éditée convenablement, le site me demande de redimensionner mon document. Click Open in the drop-down menu below "File". Then select it and click the "Open" button to continue. Fix 4: Using a Web browser PDF files. To do this, navigate to the storage location where the file is stored by clicking on "Open files". Click the File button > Choose Save As > give the cropped content a name > hit the Save button to . PDF X is the free PDF reader & editor 2020 for windows, an alternative to adobe acrobat reader. Actuellement voici les dimensions de mon document : 20.99cm x 29.70cm mais je voudrais : 15.24cm x 22.86cm Comment faire. Macromedia FreeHand MX: Training from the Source is a thorough ground-up text that is part of the popular series from Macromedia Press. This tip provides all the information you need to understand how to insert PDF files and the workarounds you can use if you want to insert multi-page PDF files. InDesign just keeps getting better—and so does this book! Whether you come from PageMaker®, QuarkXPress®, or InDesign CS3, if you want to make the switch to InDesign CS4, you've come to the right place. Choose File > Print. All rights reserved. Note: If the tile options are not in the menu, make sure that the following options are not selected in the Advanced Print dialog box: Print as Image or, for Acrobat only, Separations or In-RIP Separations. Enter 1, and click OK. Click to view larger image. How to resize pages in a PDF file using Acrobat XI. You can also edit PDF content, convert PDFs, add bookmarks or a table of contents, insert page numbers, resize PDF files, and more. Convert PDF in a snap. HOWEVER, Acrobat Reader does permit you to adjust the printout of the file to your paper size. Because you renumbered the cover page, the number 1 in the page number text box is now assigned to the contents page of the document. Then download or share your updated file. This book is your ticket to working faster and smarter in Adobe InDesign CS2 than you ever thought you could, and best of all, you'll have a blast doing it. Close the Page Thumbnails panel. On PDFelement however, the process is quite straightforward and can be accomplished by clicking a few buttons. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 93Le format PDF permet d'accompagner la lecture et de l'enrichir . Ainsi , des éléments interactifs disponibles dans le navigateur ( Pages , Signets ) ou dans les pages elles - mêmes liens , boutons , articles ) guident ou mettent en ... FrameMaker, which is at the core of the Adobe Technical Communication Suite, has long been the gold standard for writing, illustrating, and laying out technical documentation in print. Si Acrobat n'imprime pas sur l'imprimante Acrobat (comme elle est protégée), j'ai utilisé des outils PDF tiers (gratuits) pour Acrobat pour imprimer et cela a bien fonctionné. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 2Voir Importation page 307 Adapter l'image Ce script , accessible à partir de la commande Fichier- > Automatisation permet de redimensionner l'image active dans les limites que vous spécifierez ... To omit page numbering from a title page, first click the cover page thumbnail in the Page Thumbnails panel. Adobe Acrobat allows you to select various optimization levels to suit your requirements. Click a button or link to open a page. Step 3: Underneath the Override Page Display section, check the box next to 'Always use Zoom Settings,' and then select Fit Page from the drop-down menu. The PDF online converter can convert from Microsoft Word to PDF as well as a lot of other formats. 4. Click on the scissor icon on the page after which you want to split the document. Insert Pages Using the Insert Pages feature, pages from an existing PDF document or a scanner can be inserted into the current PDF document.. Open your PDF document. The important feature of the fast PDF viewer app to view PDF files quickly. Insert Pages into a PDF in Acrobat - Tutorial: A picture of a user inserting pages into a PDF in Acrobat XI Pro. View PDF files online and on your computer with an updated version of Adobe Acrobat Professional, an application that also lets you edit PDFs. I reviewed similar [vba] and [acrobat] questions, but I did not find a stand alone solution. When you're ready, tap Save and give your PDF a new file name to save it online to Adobe Document Cloud. It's free, quick and easy to use. If you want more advanced features like rotate, merge or sort PDF pages, you can use this free PDF editor. You can delete PDF pages and even rotate them to portrait or landscape mode. 5. Fix 2: Try opening the file using a different program. In this step, go to the Document menu, click on the Pages icon. Select up to 20 PDF files and images from your computer or drag them to the drop area. Adobe Fireworks CS4 How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques will be one of the first books available on this software. ** Premium Servi. Select the PDF you want to open and click Open. The Smallpdf Delete PDF Pages online tool allows you to delete a page from anywhere in your document and save it as a new file. 3) Extracted pages will open in a new file, click on thew Floppy symbol. Legal Notices B. This application enables users to create PDF files, edit them, convert them to other formats as well as add digital signatures and passwords. If you're a beginner, you'll want to read the book from cover to cover for a start-to-finish explanation of how it all works; all of you FrameMaker experts can skip right to the information you need. To insert only selected pages from a PDF, first use the "Extract" command in that PDF. I want to make them all the same size. Alternativement, vous pouvez imprimer les images dans la taille de la page souhaitée et la résolution souhaitée, puis combiner les fichiers PDF ensemble. Online PDFresize helps you change the page size of your PDF and, at the same time, maintain the proportions by scaling the contents as well. Drag and drop the PDF file to the PDF editor to open it. The tool also works with other Acrobat online PDF tools, which let you reorder, rotate, or delete PDF pages as needed . Click Browse to locate the PDF files to be . Select the PDF file from which you want to extract pages using the file selection box at the top of the page. Click File in the menu bar in the upper-right corner. Acrobat online services make it quick and easy to organize PDF pages in whatever page order you desire. 9. Easily add links. Remember to Save the file or do a Save As if you don't want to overwrite the original PDF. One such alternative is PDFelement. When satisfied by all the parameters set, you can proceed to click on "OK". On the start page, click on the "Tools" tab and select "Optimize PDF". Adobe invented PDF. Extract PDF Pages. Simple, isn't it? Lastly, the user can choose to retain the original document by making it compatible with the new document. Post questions and get answers from experts. Use the followings steps to open a PDF in Adobe Acrobat. The free Acrobat Pro trial lets you extract pages, add blank pages, and insert other types of files, including Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and Excel spreadsheets. From the Page Scaling pop-up menu, select one of the following options: Fit To Printable Area Scales small pages up and large pages down to fit the paper. These options are labelled "Reduce File Size", "Advanced Optimization", "Optimize Scanned Pages" as well as "Preflight". Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 61Acrobat Pro : créer des PDF interactifs à partir d'InDesign SOIT 21 HEURES 3 jours 1 400 €HT CODE : PA126 OBJECTIFS Créer ... d'éléments à partir de sites Web • Ajout, suppression, déplacement, redimensionnement de textes, de pages et ... Step 1: Download, install, and launch the Adobe Acrobat reader on your computer. Even if you converted from Office using the Acrobat add in, it's a good idea to compare that tagging with this retagging. And now, it's connected to the Adobe Document Cloud − making it easier than ever to work across computers and mobile devices. The process of resizing the PDF files using Acrobat DC involves the following steps: Open the PDF file to be resized. In this article, we will be looking at how to resize PDF in Acrobat and its alternative - PDFelement. Convert Any Web Page to PDF! To omit page numbering from a title page, first click the cover page thumbnail in the Page Thumbnails panel. Select the page thumbnail you want to move. In case you would like to resize your PDF documents locally, download PDFresize , install it then open Programs->neeviaPDF and run PDFresize. Then change the prefix to the name you want. You may want to add the page numbers on a specific side for even and odd pages if your PDF will be bound like a book. The only way you can "print" to a .pdf is by opening up any application and using File -> Print -> PDF -> Save as PDF. Below the file name, there is a slider that can be moved left and right to adjust the level of optimization to be performed on the PDF file. Two things you need to remember while working with Adobe Acrobat. You can pick PDF files from Dropbox or Google Drive too. Set up your desired order by highlighting a page thumbnail. Our online PDF organizer puts you in control of your content. Pages is marketed by Apple as an easy-to-use application that allows users to quickly create documents on their devices. No apps needed All the pages within the PDF are inserted into the current PDF. Selecting "Advanced Optimization" opens the PDF optimizer that enables you adjust the various properties of the file that can be optimized to reduce the file size. 'Zoom' for bigger page thumbnails. Adobe created this outstanding suite of programs to work together, and we created this book to help you make the most of them all. In Acrobat Pro, open your preference panels and go in the "Page Display" options. For the latter, select the pages you wish to extract. Resize the panel's width and thumbnail size as needed. Fix Adobe Acrobat: PDF Pages Appearing with Yellow Background Color. Note: This option is not available in Edit Mode.Click the - OR - icon in the toolbar to switch to a compatible mode. It will ask you the path where you want to save the . in the authoring file's content. PDF 508 Guide Retagging a Document Acrobat Pro has a functionality for automatically tagging an untagged PDF document or a document that needs to be retagged. Click the Sign icon in the Fill & Sign toolbar, and then choose whether you want to add your signature or just initials. Acrobat displays the table of contents page. Next, click the "Options" button at the top of the Page Thumbnails panel. To check a page's size, click the thumbnail to display the page. A guide to the desktop publishing and page layout program covers such topics as working with text, placing graphics, applying and managing color, working with tables, creating an interactive document, and working with other Adobe programs. When looking at both PDFelement and Adobe Acrobat, various factors appear that present PDFelement as the better alternative. Alternatively, you can right-click a PDF file and then select Open With. Add "Bookmark All Pages" menu to Adobe Acrobat The code below shows how to add "Bookmark All Pages" menu to the Adobe Acrobat interface. Then switch to the Page Thumbnails view at the left window. Then you will be able to Change Page Size, specifying the . Step 2: Click on the File tab from the control panel located at the top of the page, select the Open option, and select the PDF file from the file explorer window that pops up. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 89Pour qui, pourquoi et comment fabriquer un PDF ? Nathalie Massey de Saint-Denis. 6.2 Vignettes et pages A - Gérer les vignettes de page Les vignettes présentent une vue réduite et allégée de chaque page . Elles permettent la navigation ... With a few simple steps you can upload, merge, and reorganize PDF files quickly and efficiently, without the need for complex editing processes. Now, click on the Pages tab that is left of the Adobe Acrobat window. Upload from computer. and then select Adobe Acrobat. Resize the panel's width and thumbnail size as needed. This will open a new window which you can use to go to the location where the file is located. Save this code with *.js file extension and place it into JavaScripts folder under Adobe Acrobat installation. Select options for the Print Dialog Presets. How to resize pages in a PDF file using Acrobat XI. Use the followings steps to open a PDF in Adobe Acrobat. Over the last few years, Adobe InDesign has made significant inroads against QuarkXPress, with adoptions by major media companies such as Meredith Corporation and Hearst Magazines; it is now the only desktop publishing program taught at ... or drop PDF here. Open all of the pages of the pdf you intend to edit in photoshop. Or sign in to do more with your stored files. 2) Select the Pages you want to extract, C lick on the 'Extract' option on the top, then click on 'Extract' option from the below field. I am running Excel 2013 and Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Pro. For example, for Acrobat DC this folder is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 2017\Acrobat\JavaScripts\. Click Save and rename your new PDF file. HOw do I make all the pages the same size in a pdf file? WPS Writer in Apps and Desktop Now, the PDF page is displayed as a thumbnail image. Select the PDF document you want to reorganize. Open the 'Page Thumbnails' to the left of the open PDF file. Click 'Delete' on each page to remove the ones that you don't want. 2021-09-09 10:58:45 ⢠Filed to: Comparison of PDF Software ⢠Proven solutions. From the Page Scaling pop-up menu, select Tile All Pages to expose the Tile Scale % option. Right-click in the first thumbnail and select 'Number Pages…'. Select the page thumbnails you want to move, and drag and drop the selected pages into a new location. The Acrobat online PDF organizer makes reordering and rearranging pages very easy. Specify the numbering style as 'i, ii, iii…' and click OK. Acrobat should renumber the first two pages as 'i' and 'ii' and renumber . Elaine VanderBoegh. Why PDFelement is the Best Alternative to Adobe Acrobat. Helpful tips: If you are able to search the book, search for "Where are the lesson files?" Go to the very last page of the book and scroll backwards. Edit PDF button. Free Download or Buy PDFelement right now! Note that it's also possible to insert a Date (and format it, too). Use the "Reset" button to undo all marked splits (optional). This free and easy to use online tool allows to combine multiple PDF or images files into a single PDF document without having to install any software. Open and work with PDF files in Acrobat Reader from Google Chrome. Dropbox or Google Drive files. You can move single or multiple pages at the same time. Upload the PDF file you want to split. Select the Tools tab (see figure 1). The output PDF's page content would, of course, contain this.. Be . Vous voulez devenir YouTuber? You can even change the output from portrait to landscape, or vice versa. Add Text button. Cicking on "Save" opens the saving options. Use our HTML to PDF API to create PDFs from URLs or HTML. Refresh the page to make sure that you have the latest version of the Acrobat Online web page. This book offers an easy to follow, task oriented learning solution for those who are new to InDesign, and have never used a page layout application before. With all detected URLs and email addresses even made clickable! Word documents created by Pages have the file extension .pages. 2. If you have a question about Adobe Illustrator this is the book with the answers. Adobe Illustrator: Questions and Answers takes some of the best questions and answers asked on the website. In this video, PDF Tutorial: How to Resize Page in PDF by using adobe acrobat pro. PDF page resized. Open the PDF document or form in Acrobat or Reader, and click Fill & Sign in the right pane. You can use it to easily and quickly extract a page (e.g. 1) Open the PDF in Acrobat DC & select 'Organize Pages' from Tools Pane on the left. Resizing PDF files is made possible by third-party applications that can be used to manipulate the PDF files as desired. Select the PDF file you want to reorganize, sign in after Acrobat uploads the file, select the page thumbnails you want to move, and drag and drop the selected pages into a new location. The page numbers to be deleted should be in descend order in the selection. Hence, flatten PDF should always be done at the end. You now have page numbers in your PDF file. La méthode la plus rapide, la plus simple et la plus complète pour maîtriser After Effects CS6 ! Also, read How to remove encryption from PDF file without password? Easy to Use. Page numbers will be applied to these files. Â. Though in Adobe Acrobat flatten PDF process, the final product is un-editable and cannot be modified further but this reduces the size of the file. Upload your file and transform it. Then click the Options button (to the left of the trash can icon). Once the file is open, various optimization options will appear above the file. Step 2: Locate the PDF file you would like to crop and open it in the default PDF viewer. To change page numbers in Acrobat, open a multi-page PDF. Itâs easy to move pages around in a PDF file with Adobe Acrobatâs online tool. Click File in the menu bar in the upper-right corner. After that, set up your pages. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 116Pour qui, pourquoi et comment fabriquer un PDF ? ... sur la page : Affichage - Grille ou Ctrl U ( PC ) , OU ( Mac ) D Pour paramétrer la grille : Edition ( PC ) / Acrobat ( Mac ) - Préférences - Unités et repères ou Ctrl K ( PC ) . 1. Fix 1: Disable Accessibility settings. The Page's Crop Box is a rectangle describing the visible area of the page (for more info see this article "Finding Page Boundaries"). Online, no installation or registration required. Just follow the instructions in this video. Save the file to apply the new defaults. How to extract pages from PDF online: Drag and drop your PDF into the PDF Splitter. You can use any of our tools, in addition to our PDF separator, at any time, all for free. Explore the new tools, work with the application frame, and set preferences for the way you work Learn to open and save documents and export content Get familiar with the Pages panel, apply Master Pages, and work with Layers Make the most ... Click on "Split All" to save all PDF pages individually (optional). This book will also help experienced InDesign users elevate their skills, understand best practices, and learn about new features. Online Privacy Policy. Flattening a PDF file enables you to merge all the contents of the file into one single unit. You can also rotate pages to portrait or landscape mode. Full Screen mode is often used for presentations, sometimes with automatic page advancement and transitions.. Purchasing this book gives you access to the downloadable lesson files you need to work through the projects in the book, and to electronic book updates covering new features that Adobe releases for Creative Cloud customers. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software is the free global standard for reliably viewing, printing, and commenting on PDF documents. The pointer remains active in Full Screen mode so that you can click links and . In the dialog box click on 'Selected' under 'Pages' and choose '1' To: '2' of '33'. The Document Properties dialog box is displayed. Press the download button to save the new PDF on your computer. Add page numbers into PDFs with ease. Save each page of the pdf as a separate photoshop document (.PSD) Make any edits you wish on any individual page and save the edits to that page's psd. Based on Acrobat X Pro, which includes all the features of Acrobat X Standard and more, this hands-on guide helps you maximize the capabilities of this powerful software in no time. Drag and drop the thumbnails to re-arrange the images. Select the Edit PDF button in the Tools Center (see figure 2). Troubleshoot PDF printing | Acrobat, Reader, Resolve issues when configuring your printer, Southeast Asia (Includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) - English, الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا - اللغة العربية. 3. Open the PDF file to be resized. This guide gives you the tools you need to: Draw with InDesign Understand page layout and color Create colorful images with Illustrator C2 Use the pen tool, type, and image placing Choose the correct Photoshop mode for your creation Create ... On a very high level, all pages in the currently open PDF file are reflected as thumbnails. It is, therefore, easier to use PDFelement than Adobe Acrobat to resize PDF files. Adding interactivity is easy! Purchasing this book gives you access to valuable online extras. You can quickly read PDF in dark mode with this PDF app. Two, Enter the password for Protected / Encrypted PDF files to make changes in PDF. With Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Standard you can do that in more than one way: 1) If you have opened the Page Thumbnails Pane and highlighted the page you need to rotate you can right click the page thumbnail and choose Rotate Pages. With our easy to use PDF page remover, your documents will be smaller and they will only include the pages that you really need. A PDF creator can set a PDF to open in Full Screen mode, or you can set the view yourself. Alternatively, you can right-click a PDF file and then select Open With. I wanted to obtain the number of pages in a pdf document using VBA. Download the file or get a link to share it. Moving the slider to the right increases the level of optimization, therefore, meaning the file will be resized significantly. 2. Open the document with pages you want to resize by cropping, and click the Page Thumbnails tab. Whether you’re a seasoned Photoshop veteran, a budding designer, or someone who simply has a good eye and artistic vision, this book will show you how to produce mockups and UI elements in a creative and productive way. After reviewing other posts, Adobe Acrobat's SDK, and the VBA object browser, I learned enough to piece together this solution. Page scaling lets you shrink or enlarge pages when you print. Then display the Page Thumbnails panel within the Navigation Pane. Follow these steps to resize PDF in acrobat pro dc. FilePlanet Review. 2) If the Page Thumbnails Pane is opened and the page selected, there are two buttons to rotate pages, one for . View the PDF with page numbers placed after the process is completed. Click File > Create PDF > From Multiple Files 3. One, License Adobe Acrobat Pro DC to perform page numbering process over the PDF files. To do this, open Adobe Acrobat on your PC. To change page numbers in Acrobat, open a multi-page PDF. Page Contents. Add the page numbers Click the Insert Page Number button and then click OK. Comment aborder la conception d'un document ? To delete one page in PDF replace this: PDDocSource.DeletePages (iStartPage, iNumPages) by that: PDDocSource.DeletePages (iStartPage, iStartPage) because the 2nd parameter is the end page number for deleting. Open the document with pages you want to resize by cropping, and click the Page Thumbnails tab. In this case, we will be looking at one such application: resize PDF with Adobe Acrobat. Page Labels are discussed in 12.4.2 of ISO 32000-1 (The ISO standard for PDF which describes/defines what PDF is).. You might achieve the desired effect by use of Headings denoting "cover" etc. You already know Photoshop CS3 basics. Now you'd like to go beyond with shortcuts, tricks, and tips that let you work smarter and faster. And because you learn more easily when someone shows you how, this is the book for you. Fix 3: Wait for an Adobe Update. Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on Do more with PDF - it's Acrobat built right into popular Microsoft enterprise apps. Launch Adobe Acrobat Pro on your Windows PC or Mac computer. Using it, you are able to create new PDF files, edit existing files, protect your files using passwords, convert existing PDF files to formats such as HTML and Word and finally digitally approve and sign documents. The Acrobat Insert PDF Pages tool makes adding pages to an existing PDF a snap. Step 3: On the Snipping Tool, click New and then draw a rectangle shape on the content you would like to keep.Once you draw the rectangle, a new Snipping Tool window with the selected content should appear. This book will show you how to combine the right tools with a simple strategy, making it possible (even easy) to design basic albums in seconds, and custom wedding or portrait albums in an hour–or less. This new page will display the name of the file and its storage directory on the top.
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Série Algérienne Ramadan 2015, Zinedine Ferhat Et Sa Femme, Jean-pierre Adams Accident Anesthésie, Code Promo Big Fernand Nîmes, Salaire Joueur Basket N3, Calendrier Liga Maxifoot, Frais Retrait étranger Carte Visa Premier Caisse Epargne, Marina Lorenzo Biographie, Classement Trésor National, Plan Piste Cyclable Autour Du Lac D'annecy, Transfert Agüero Manchester City,